
Wellesley Park Primary School is a member of the Blackdown Education Partnership which is the admitting authority, responsible for the admissions policies and decisions on applications for admission. We have an admissions policy for each academic year. They are written to comply with the School Admissions Code and School Admissions Appeals Code.


Applications to Wellesley Park Primary School should be made through Somerset Council and will be considered in accordance with the arrangements set out in the co-ordinated admissions scheme for primary schools in Somerset. 


School Admission Appeal Process  

The school uses the independent services of the Somerset County Council Admissions Team to handle any appeals being made. If you would like to appeal your primary school admission outcome please visit Somerset Council Refused a place at your preferred school (

Please also refer to: Primary Appeal Timetable


In School Year Admissions

If you wish your child to join Wellesley Park after 1 September and transfer from another school, you will need to complete an in year application form and email it to

In year admission form

Changing School in Somerset In Year Leaflet