Wraparound Care at Wellesley Park
At Wellesley Park Dukes Wraparound care is available Monday to Friday to all pupils of Wellesley Park Primary School. Parents will need to book the sessions required directly through the online booking system. We offer the following sessions:
Breakfast Club - 7:45am - 8:30am, includes breakfast and children have a choice of toast, cereal and fruit juice.
After School Club Session 1 - 3:15pm to 4:30pm
After School Club Session 2 - 3:15pm to 6pm, includes tea.
Breakfast Club - £3.65
After School Club – 4.30pm finish - £3.75
After School Club – 6pm finish - £8.60
To help with costs the government runs a Tax-Free Childcare voucher scheme and we would encourage you to have a look at this scheme and decide if this scheme would benefit you. Details of which can be found here: Tax-Free Childcare - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) . Alternatively the following website which provides the same information and has an eligibility calculator is a bit more user friendly How to use Tax-free Childcare | HMRC Childcare Choices
Below are some useful documents: