Please find below more information regarding Writing at Wellesley Park Primary School
"I kept always two books in my pocket, one to read, one to write in."
Robert Louis Stevenson
At Wellesley Park we believe writing is an essential facet of English where all children can be successful given the right conditions and vehicle. We want every child to experience the joy of writing alongside learning the tools required to write proficiently by way of composition, transcription, grammar and punctuation. We fully understand the essential link between reading and writing and this is integral to our writing curriculum.
At Wellesley Park, skills of writing are taught through Talk for Writing developed by Pie Corbett. This process, based on the underlying principles of how children learn, provides an engaging and powerful approach to writing with a proven record of raising attainment in writing. T4W continuously revisits and reviews previous learning through the story/text giving every opportunity for children to build long term memories. The process provides the tools children need for long term transformation of their writing based on formative assessment, enabling them to internalise the language structures needed to write. The process adapts and responds to the needs of individual children and opens up a world of reading and language which is accessible to all, from our very youngest storytellers to our writing role models at the top of the school. Our carefully developed long term plan covers fiction, non-fiction and poetry, builds on previous learning year on year and ensures every child encounters the different genres of non-fiction on at least 3 occasions. Grammar is taught purposefully within each unit with its interconnectedness to successful writing made clear.
Our aim is for all children at Wellesley Park to experience writing for pleasure across a number of genres. All children will have a secure knowledge of the features of both fiction and non-fiction writing and be able to demonstrate this fluently along with accurate structure, grammar and spelling. All children will understand the importance of the purpose of their writing and its audience, being able to consider the impact of their words on the reader. This will prepare them for writing in the future to include the next stage of their education and into adulthood. The strong link between reading and writing will be understood.